Work Packages
The project is organized into 10 work packages (WP) based on the activities each partner will carry out throughout the lifespan of the project. In the infographic below the WP Leaders are written in brackets.

Coordination and management
Coordination and management activities ensure the realisation of the project goals with the required technical and financial quality level and timing. This work package is also responsible for efficient management of resources and facilitating active communication with all partners and the European Commission.
Sustainable and low-cost feedstock supply
The objective is to develop and tailor cost-effective feedstock supply chains for the new gasification process to enable secure, long-term supply of sustainable biomass/waste feedstocks with 20% reduction in feedstock supply costs. To reach this target, low-cost methods for feedstock harvesting/collection, pre-processing, storage and handling will be evaluated and defined for the targeted feedstocks. Moreover, optimization models will be established and used to optimize the logistics operations along the entire feedstock value chain.
Low-cost oxygen production
The aim of this work package is to demonstrate that the novel oxygen transport membrane (OTM) technology can produce high purity oxygen with 50% reduced energy consumption compared to state-of-the-art. Once the oxygen production method is successfully demonstrated in lab-scale, a proof-of-concept oxygen membrane module will be constructed and later operated in direct integration with the gasification pilot plant in WP5.
Flexible gasification process
The overarching target of this work package is to develop a feedstock-flexible gasification process based on a novel Bubbling Circulating Fluidised-Bed (BCFB) gasifier that can switch between two operational models: (1) co-production of biomethane, biochar and heat, and (2) maximised production of biomethane and heat.
Validation of the key enabling technologies
The aim is to validate the performance of the key enabling technologies (gasification, gas clean-up, oxygen production) using the 200 kWth fluidised-bed gasification pilot plant at VTT’s Piloting Centre Bioruukki. The target is to reach more than 200 hours of operation.
Bioenergy carriers
The target is to investigate the different end-use options for the two intermediate bioenergy carriers, biochar and biomethane, produced by the FlexSNG process and identify the most attractive utilisation pathways regarding economics and energy system’s flexibility. The analysis takes into account the potential applications in energy production and transportation as a substitute for fossil fuels and, in the case of biochar, also in material and agricultural use (e.g. soil amendment).
Process design and techno-economics
This work package delivers performance and cost estimates for an industrial-scale FlexSNG plant (50-150 MW) using process simulation tools and experimental results achieved in WP3-WP5. The work includes designing, sizing and cost estimation (CAPEX, OPEX) of the entire process from feedstock preparation up to VESTA methanation.
Case studies, environmental analysis and business potential
The objective is to evaluate the implementation potential of the FlexSNG concept in different regions in Canada and Europe (case studies) and identify the most economically attractive environment for a subsequent flagship demonstration. Building on the case study results, the advantages and business potential of the FlexSNG concept over competing technologies will be assessed in the target regions. The GHG performance of the process will be evaluated through an environmental analysis according to ISO 14044.
Dissemination, communication and exploitation
Dissemination and communication activities that include e.g. workshops, webinars and publications aim to ensure widespread dissemination of project information and results to relevant industrial stakeholders, policy makers, scientific community and the general public both in Europe and in Canada. This work package will also provide support to technical WPs in boosting scientific and commercial exploitation of project results. Moreover, a concrete plan for follow-on industrial demonstration of FlexSNG technologies will be prepared towards the end of the project.
Ethics requirements
This work package ensures compliance with ethics requirements set out for H2020 projects.