
FlexSNG Second Topical Workshop at BIOFOR, PaperWeek Canada 2024

FlexSNG held a half-day workshop at this year’s PaperWeek Canada in Montreal, on how this gasification-methanation is being systematically developed, and where the de-risked process is expected to lead to improved economics and a competitive position as the demand for synthetic natural gas (SNG) grows.

If you missed the conference, or want to watch it again, the full workshop recordings are available here:

Part 1: https://youtu.be/a_LejWNTg6s
Part 2: https://youtu.be/Jp9XRACwW0o

The running order of the recordings is as follows:

BIOFOR Workshop structure
Part 1SessionPresenter
Opening of workshopPaul Stuart, Polytechnique Montreal
Introducing Keynote speakerIlkka Hiltunen, M.Sc. (Tech).
Keynote: State-of-the-art biomass gasification – a long time coming: why now is the right time!   David’s presentation will cover a brief history of SFW’s key contributions to date, describe the current activities and aspirations into the future, as well as key collaborations and areas of focus to ensure that “now is the right time!”David Longden, PhD. Strategic Business Development Manager, Biofuels & Gasification. SHI-FW (Sumitomo Foster Wheeler, SFW)
Q&A + ConversationPaul Stuart (chair)
FlexSNG Concept for bioSNG Production 
Biomass gasification for synthetic fuels and chemicals – FlexSNG process concept   an overview of VTT´s development in biomass gasification and describe the current status of the technology, in the context of the FlexSNG project, that targets co-production of biomethane and biochar via biomass gasification.Ilkka Hiltunen, M.Sc. (Tech). Research Team Leader of the Thermochemical Conversions Research Team, VTT
Flexible and integrated biomass value chains   how a flexible approach can be integrated into the value chain with the utilization of decision support systems for planning feedstocks as well as analyzing market viability and profitability for investment in the development of SNG and energy production.Erik Rönnqvist, M.Sc.  Chief Operations Officer Creative Optimization
Syngas: the gateway to sustainable fuels and chemicals   the path to sustainable synthetic fuels and chemicals.Dr Andrew Steele  Principal Scientist Johnson Matthey 
Part 2Discussion Panel – De-Risking FlexSNG 
Panelists introduction and Panel opening (≈10 min)Paul Stuart
The business of de-risking FlexSNG process:  VTT’s Research challenges, overviewMinna Kurkela Senior Scientist (FlexSNG coordinator) VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
Oxygen transport membranes in biomass gasification systemsFrancesco Mondi PhD DTU – Technical University of Denmark
Challenges for the procurement of biomass and coordinating multiple value chainProfessor Mikael Rönnqvist Université Laval (Quebec, QC)
Derisking Biochar Production: Strategies for Sustainable and Profitable OperationsKarol Witkowski Research Engineer EIFER – European Institute for Energy Research
Navigating the Future of Industrial Symbiosis: Challenges and Implementation Strategies in BiorefineriesTunet Olivier
Doctoral student
Polytechnique Montréal
The role of numerical tools and modelling on de-risking FlexSNGKostis Atsonios Research Associate Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)
Open Round TablePaul Stuart (chair)
Closing remarksPaul Stuart
Session ends 

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